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IT Industry News and Articles

The Nicky Nicky Nine Doors of Internet Security

Kevin Harman | January 3, 2020

It sounds funny doesn’t it - after all it’s a children’s game of sort - what’s the relationship to a business and internet security - the answer is a lot 

If someone knocks on the door and no one’s home that’s not very fun - the best part of Nicky Nicky nine doors is driving the person who answers the door nuts – knocking over and over again looking for that reaction - in the internet security world there is always someone knocking on the door - the trouble is most people don’t know someone is there!!! The situation gets even worse when you add in weak passwords, system vulnerabilities, hidden viruses, hackers, and general internet security issues. A quality firewall is a great step to prevent the Nicky Nicky Nine doors of the internet - a quality firewall provides proactive protection and extends to include protection from current and known threats. A quality firewall in Nicky Nicky nine doors analogy is like a police offer at your door all day long - everyday - as the internet hackers never stop, don’t take breaks, and keep coming up with new ways to get your stuff. Think about that last one for a moment - how much time do you spend thinking about internet security? How much time do you actually spend doing something about internet security? If you’re like most people the doors pretty much wide open: sure it might be shut - but it sure isn’t locked very well - someone tries to get in constantly and no one’s home to catch the internet thieves - sound like an easy way to make some quick cash - it sure is - it’s very popular - yet most businesses still take minimal effort to put good internet security in place. 

We would be happy to review and assess your current situation, provide a comprehensive report free of charge - and if required make the changes to keep your business safe.